Watchdog Report – February 18, 2025

Hello REALTORS®,  

Proposed Anderson County Moratorium 

The Planning and Public Works Committee of Anderson County Council, chaired by Realtor Cindy Wilson, has proposed a moratorium on new subdivisions of 25 lots or more.  The moratorium ordinance is on county council’s agenda this week.  I’ll keep you informed on the moratorium and provide more context in my next report. 

Building Permits 

We often use building permit data to help us advocate for Realtor interests with local government.  In fact, we used building permit data this week while working on the proposed moratorium in Anderson County.  It pays to keep accurate data.  And it also can be a great resource for you. 

I get the data from the US Census Bureau, which is reported to them by local governments.  It is up to date through the end of 2024. 

Permits by County 

I combined single-family and multi-family building permits because together they constitute housing units that can be occupied by families to meet their housing needs. 

Greenville County has been on a roller coaster, dropping 54% from 2021 to 2022, but has risen by 23% over the last two years.  Anderson County is on an 18% slide since peaking in 2022. Both counties have seen their share of permits in the region fall in the last five years.  Overall, single- and multi-family building permits are up 10% since last year, and 7% since 2020.   

The graph below helps paint a picture of the last six years. 

Support RPAC 

RPAC is an important element of your Realtors Association’s advocacy program.  I encourage you to support RPAC and we make it easy to do so—we include a voluntary RPAC contribution on your annual dues renewal.  Simply pay it and you have support RPAC.  If you want to do more, it’s easy.   

Michael Dey, Director of Government Affairs